Our Designers implies functional design and effective use of space as well as aesthectic appear.
We provide design and construction services to make sure our client can make the right decisions in time and budget .
We will help clients in a whole until the project completed and have projects that are functionally and financially viable
We can guide clients through the many innovative ideas and options that need to be realized with products that meet the need of clients
We will help clients simplify estimating project budgets with the help of an experienced surveyor
We provide the best service to clients to complete the project as a whole and designer will help the clientst o choose and have high art accessories
"...Saya suka dengan desain dan hasil pekerjaan PT Conner.., profesional dan hasilnya sangat baik..."
- SIGI -
"...Akhirnya lemari idaman saya bisa teraalisasi juga, lemarinya Besar, rapih.Terima Kasih PT.Conner..."
- LISA -
"...Rumah Idaman saya telah selesai ..."